Thursday, February 13, 2014

three things thursday

what have you all been up to? we're hunkering down for the "storm of the century" or something like that. it's really, really beautiful, but DANG. snow really seems to bring out the idiots. i saw 3 people sliding out of control on the way home. and it was 95% stupidity and 5% road conditions. anyways, here's the view from our driveway:

in workout related news, i completed the pure barre challenge! 20 classes in 30 days [actually 31 days because they extended it a few days due to canceled classes].

this weekend i drove to KY and got to visit lots of my favorites! brad had to work so i took off. it was so great to see everyone but i wish brad could've come with. driving that long by yourself is no fun! here's a picture my dad took while i was home. mom posted it to Facebook and said she was rocking her two babies ;)


  1. Awesome job on the barre challenge and wow you have a lot of snow. We are getting it today (and yesterday).

    1. thanks christa! we're pretty much back to normal now, but it was fun while it lasted!

  2. Way to go! You are so amazing for keeping up with your fitness! Love that picture of you and your mama!
