well, funny story. i haven't been writing down my workouts. the past two weeks have been a blur. i had a chest cold/sinus thing, e started preschool, then she either picked something up there or got what i had (or both), then it turned into an ear infection. so yeah. i always think i'll be able to remember, but YEAH RIGHT. i can barely remember what i ate for lunch today. so here's what i remember from the last two weeks:
last monday: trail run (i have no idea how far) then... my first fundamentals class at Beer City CrossFit! it wasn't a workout, more of a run through of some basic movements.
i planned to get up and go to 6am WOD the next morning, but I was up sick all night. no go.
wednesday: first WOD at BCCF.
shoulder press (6x2 shoulder press, climb to AHAP) (35#, 55#, 60#, 65#, 65#, 70#)
metcon (AMRAP)
shoulder press, 1 set AMRAP at 80% (55# x 10)
metcon (time)
10 to 1
box jump 30/24
toes to bar
KBS 2/1.5
*following every set of KBS, 100m single arm KB carry (switch half way) I think my time was like 18 something. I didn't write it down.
thursday, friday, saturday:: work, work, work, work work. i was able to get a short trail run in on saturday. luckily i didn't take me phone with me because i got about a mile in and the sky opened up. total downpour.
sunday:: i ran and brad and i walked about 3 miles in downtown asheville.
monday, tuesday, wednesday:: work days but i ran after e went to sleep a few nights. no idea which days or how many miles.
thursday:: WOD at BCCF
metcon (time):
3 rounds
10 alt turkish get ups
50 flutter kicks (4-ct)
:60 front leaning rest Leaning rest my ass. It's a plank.
metcon (time):
20 rounds
5 single arm KB row (each) 1.5/1 pood
10 ring push ups
15m walking lunge I can't remember my times and i'm too lazy to look them up on Wodify.
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