Friday, November 11, 2011

Five Things Friday

1.  So I'm happy to report that after the Nyquil debacle, I have successfully gotten up and worked out before work for the past two days! Once I make it out of my warm, comfy bed, I actually do enjoy working out early and it's not that big of a deal getting ready at the gym. It takes a lot of planning, but so far so good and I've actually been early to work!
2.  I am in super planning mode for 2012 and am trying to scout races and see which ones I want to run. I'm trying to make my mind up about a RnR race today because you can get $20 off a race registration if you sign up today (and Lord knows those races aren't cheap!). I'll share more when I know all the details but I'm joining up with Jill over at Life...As I See It to run 12 half marathons in 2012, so planning will be a necessity!

3.  I love, love, love my new job. It sounds crazy but it's like oh yeah, this is why I wanted to be a pharmacist. I'm actually getting to use what I learned in school and I'm not just there to dispense pills and be verbally abused. I don't want to jinx it, but I haven't been yelled at in 2 weeks. It's a good feeling!

4.  I cannot freaking wait for my Erin Condren planner to get here. Counting down the days in my soon to be retired ugly, plain, black planner. It's getting super jealous.

5.  I just realized that I never recapped our last stop in Mauii... That was in August just in case you were wondering. But it's too good to not share. And I have lots of pictures to prove it. Here's one and you can start trying to guess where this went:

More on that mess coming later! Hope you all have a great weekend and good luck to those of you who are racing!!!!

Question:  Give me your tips on strategy for 12 in 2012. Should I aim for one a month (but I don't know how I'd do in the cold weather, BRRRR) or double up in some of the nicer weather months (don't want to overdo it or burn out)? Decisions, decisions!

If you're coming from FF, it's great to have you!! And thanks as always to Jill for hosting!


  1. 12 in 2012 is going to be fabulous! I'd love to hear your tips and advice :)

    I'm hoping for 1/month but with the winter weather at the beginning of the year mother nature may have something else in mind. Ugh! I'm planning for success with contingencies :) Looking forward to seeing everyone's 2012 race calendar.

    I need a new planner! It's on my to-do list for this weekend.

  2. I say double up in warmer months!!! That's just a personal opinion though. I tried running a half in February and it was the worst experience of my life! My shoes were full of snow within the first 3 minutes of the race, I was freezing and all my leg muscles cramped up. I couldn't even finish it, I thought I was going to go into shock.

    Congrats on getting your workouts in before work! It's hard, but I always feel so much better when I get it done early!

  3. I would do one a month, but I live in Oregon where we really don't deal with snow, just rain rain rain (and if you can't run in the rain in OR you are treadmill city, which I can't stand). I've never run an RNR event either! Looking forward to seeing your 12 in 2012 plan, and following your training!

  4. I am already scouting races for 2012 too! It's so fun to plan the whole year out. The only problem is I always end up changing my mind and the races lol But I always try to run one a month or so. I did the 10 races in 2010 goal. So maybe 12 races in 2012 is a good goal too!

  5. If you want to come to Montana there is a great half in Billings in September the weather always seems to be PERFECT for it :)

  6. yay for two days with the morning workouts! that sounds like a pattern to me. :) i can't wait to hear what races you sign up for 2012!!

  7. I have always done runs in the winter here in PA. I have always braved the snow and ran in it since I was in high school so an hour with wet shoes never bothered me all that month. I would love to do 12 in 2012 but I am coming back from an injury so I know I will be pushiing to try to do one in January. Good luck making your schedule!

  8. I'd say double up in the warmer months but that's because I'm a wuss when it comes to running in cold weather let alone snow.

  9. I wanna run one of those 12 with ya!! Double up in the spring and fall! It'll be easy to do! Some of those months you'll be able to do 3 I would think. There's Run The Bluegrass in Lexington March 31st. Hint. Hint. :)

  10. ohhh 12 in 2012! love it! i agree with Coy...i want to run a race with you as well! maybe we could all do one together!?!!!!
